our vision

A clean safe space.

As laundromats are public we want EVERYONE to feel safe. We’ve done this by being more attended, adding security systems, being available for help if/when issues arise, and taking suggestions and comments from our community seriously.

A place you want to be.

We want you to feel comfortable while you wait for your cleaning cycles. If you have to spend an hour waiting, we want you to enjoy yourself. We’ve done this by adding free WIFI, stocked vending machines, laundry products for sale and a community library to take and leave a book for your entertainment.

Wash/Dry/Fold Delivery (coming soon)

We know life is busy and being able to have a trusted, quality and environmentally friendly service that will come to your door to pick up and deliver your clean, folded (and hung) clothes and bedding could change your whole week. Imagine scheduling weekly pick up and 24 hour turnaround drop offs on an app, customizing your detergent temperature and preferences, and all you have to do is put your folded clothes in your drawers.